Jiujiang Port

  • 网络九江港
Jiujiang PortJiujiang Port
  1. Notes on the superiority of the Yangzhou port & a comparison with the Jiujiang port


  2. Hope that through the integration of logistics resources Jiujiang port and other related ways to achieve the overall optimization and logistics , reduce overall logistics costs .


  3. Jiujiang port logistics and logistics for inter-enterprise collaborative development status , combined with the actual situation in Jiujiang , a series of coordinated development of countermeasures and suggestions .


  4. Through the port and port logistics related concepts introduced , Jiujiang port logistics and logistics combined with the reality of companies based on analysis of the Jiujiang port and logistics co-development component .


  5. Finally , the conclusion part , through empirical research the first two chapters draw this conclusion that modern Jiujiang Port on the impact of urban spatial structure , analyzes the evolution of urban spatial structure of modern Jiujiang dynamic mechanism .


  6. And then The opening of Jiujiang port provides a connection to explore the impact of finance on the development of Jiangxi on the basis of the Modern Evolution of the financial structure and the reasons for this evolution after the opening of Jiujiang port .


  7. Nanchang first acquired a rail connection in1915 , when the line to Jiujiang , a port on the Yangtze River , was opened .
